Country: USA

John Mellencamp Fan

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His music takes me back to a time and place when life was simpler, enjoyable and more promising. It takes me back to my youth!

John Mellencamp Fan

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To me, John's music means "Good Times"

John Mellencamp Fan

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John's music.... makes me think about home

John Mellencamp Fan

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John's music comes from the heart and soul.

John Mellencamp Fan

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Good things come from small places.

John Mellencamp Fan


To me John's music means... Lots of great memories and singing along

John Mellencamp Fan

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To me, John's music means "Growing up"

John Mellencamp Fan

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John's music is classic

John Mellencamp Fan

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John's music means a lot to me.

John Mellencamp Fan

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John is an Amazing songwriter.

Jonas Raibley

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I am learning about famous Hoosiers and I enjoyed listening to his music as I learned.

Josh Felver

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Central Ohio Ice Lake Region had to stop and visit the hometown hero before our softball tournament the next day!

Josie Crawford

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What does John's music mean to me? It means memories of growing up. His music is connected to so much of my life.

Judy McQuoid

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John's music symbolizes Small Town USA

Julie Henshaw

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John's music means small town values to me.

Julie West

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John's music reminds me of growing up in the 80s and I love nostalgia

Karalee Simon

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John is the storyteller of life, family, hardships, relationships, and love.

Kari Kelly

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I live on Los Angeles now and his music is the sound of home to me.

Kate Andrews

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To me, John's music is Life...Death...Love...Freedom

Katelyn Conley

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John's Music means... Indiana, supporter of farmers, my father as he is who introduced me. Total fan my entire life.

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