State: IN

Richard Kovener

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I appreciate John's musicality and storytelling.

Richele Griffin

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Home, everything he writes, sings, paints about reminds me of home.

Rob Dyer

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John's music is "Down Home Music"

Ron Massie

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To me, John's music means freedom.

Rory Cubel

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He relates to mid America upbringing and values and the times of life here. I am a long time photographer and plan to stop in Seymour and other small towns and areas in south Indiana ,this Summer.

Russell & Susie Chaffee

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To me, John's music is ...A small town but who made it big.

Sherrie Krueger

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John's music is fond memories for me.

Stephanie Blevins

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I love the small town, local pride you feel within his music and lyrics.

Trista Rose

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John's music means.. Car rides

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